Brazil history part I
Latin America Brazil history part I
And, as serious facts are had past until the meiado of the current anno (date in that this wrote), for us to satisfy the reader's curiosity, that quizer hir accompanying the march successiva of the notable events of Brazil History Contemporary, here we introduced them in mui succinta exhibition.This 15th-century Epoque establishment is one of the most beautiful tale in all of Brazil. In the 15th and 16th centuries Portugal, an Iberian Kingdom with barely a million inhabitants, was hemmed in by the Atlantic and a hostile Castile. After years of struggle against the Moorish occupation, the Portuguese turned their attention and energy to the sea and what lay beyond. While the Spaniards set out in search of a route to the Orient by voyaging to the West, the Portuguese opted for the so-called Southern Cycle down the African coast. Reaching the Cape of Good Hope in 1488, they were led by the navigator Vasco da Gama across the Indian Ocean to discover the sea route to the Far East in 1497.
Year 1500: Reigning in Portugal the king D. Manoel, depart from Lisbon a squadron under the command of Pedro Alvares Cabral- with destiny to India, whose route for the Cabo Tormentorio or of Good-Hope it had been discovered
by Bartholomeo Dias and Vasco of Gama; however forced to slide for similar of deviating of the coast, it is pursued by the winds and impellido each time more for this direction.
Thanks to God, it sights the lands of South America in–April 22. (A lot the diverge Historians on the day of the discovery of Brazil; however the opinion more usually following, at least even certain time, was the one of -Ozorio-, -Barros-, and others that assign to this event the day -24 of Abril-, founded maybe in a pilot's relationship that vineyard in this expedition and for that eyewitness. People however assign the day 22, founded in the letter that D. Manoel wrote -Pedro Vaz of Caminha-, that he came in the expedition as Clerk of the armada, eyewitness, and he deigns of the whole concept; letter that one see published by P. Ayres of Cazal in the his distinguished one–-Corographia Brasilica-,–and more in the–Foreign -Noticias Tom. 4.
Besides have in our support the authorities valuable mui of the same -Cazal, of Varnaghen, of Fr. Francisco of S. Luiz- in his -Indice Chronologico- and of other writers. Accresce that the Authors that opinion it was the day 24, in getting weapons for us to confirm ourselves in our opinion: because mentioned him pilot asserts it was the discovery in the -Quarta feira- of the oitavario of Easter, that he the same as exactly says Caminha in the mentioned letter.
letter. Being because you agree a and other witness ocular in the day of the week, some makes a mistake in the day of the month. And with effect,having been in this anno the day of Easter in -19 of Abril- (see -Taboa Chronologica- of the -Arte of verifying the datas-), -Quarta feira- of the oitavario could not be except 22, as with all the reason that Caminha says, and no 24 as less exactamente affirms the referred pilot).–To the first hill sighted called the name of Monte Pascoal- and the land -Terra of Vera Cruz- (that later called Santa Cruz-, and later -Brasil-).Then disembark Pedro Alvares Cabral in the place denominated morelate -Porto Seguro-. In the day May 01, 1500 AD plants Cruz with the patternof the Weapons of Portugal in signal of solemne ownership of the country for the Portuguese Crown. After dispatching for Lisbon Captain Gaspar to inform the Portugal King of the unexpected and discovered land,he continues for the Cable of Good-hope and his India first